Friday, November 25, 2011




Sardar Vallababhai Patel, the first Indian Home Minister in Jawaharlal Nehru’s cabinet with great difficulty achieved the almost impossible task of bringing princely states into Indian Union. But now move is in reverse gear. Competition between multi-national corporations of various countries is for breaking India into smaller states subsequently into city states so that they can have monopoly over that region. LTTE leader Prabakaran would have won Tamil Eelam if he had offered Trincomalea to an USA company or had offered the oil fields near in Palk Straits to Oil giants. The death of nation states had begun, and cross border rule by corporate to exploit the mankind had come to stay.

The puppeteer’s abroad pull the strings and puppet Manmohan Singh had started his dance to the tunes of corporate world. The decision to allow 51% foreign direct investment is necessitated not by national interests but by multi-national interests.

Indian retail market is worth $ 28 billion dollars today. Yes it is estimated at 1.26 lakh crore, of course less than 2G level. It will grow to $ 260 billion by 2020. The process started when India allowed 51% FDI in single brand retail in 2010. There are few in Indian capitalists who could welcome FDI. Who are they and why do they welcome? Those Indian capitalists who can partner with a multinational corporation are welcoming this move. 51 % to foreign investor and he can be our master and we with 49 percent be his servant, these selfish Indian chameleons welcome FDI.

Already United States agriculture commodities giants Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill have acquired stakes in Indian edible oil market. India’s annual edible oil consumption is approximately 15 million tons worth around 75000 crores annually and increasing, so multinationals want to grab this market. Multinational companies are sneaking into meat products market both in India and China. World’s largest commodity trader Glencore International AG is planning to buy Indian sick company KS Oils limited and before that happened Goldman Sachs Fund- Goldman Sachs Investment Limited Mauritius bought 21.46 lakh shares of KS Oils for Rs10.92 per share. Glencore is mining and commodities conglomerate. It controls 10 percent of world’s tradable grain market. It controls 3 % of world’s oil market.

Since this week we hear heated arguments for Periyar Dam, my mind goes back to 2002. Then Kerala Government wanted to sell water in malampuzha dam to London based multinational Vivendi. The waters of Periyar dam to be sold to a London based multinational. Then Opposition Leader V.S.Achudanandan had charged that “under the agreement with multinational companies 80 percent of water of Malampuzha dam would be used by the company and no water would be spared to agriculture.” We are not aware in Tamilnadu on what happened to this River Water sale to multi-national companies but this alert by then Opposition leader indicates the conspiracies of multi-national companies for quite some time since GATT was signed in last century. Reasonable doubt arises whether to pursue this Water Sale to Multinationals, current Government wants to construct new dam over mullai-periyar.
The World Bank puppet Manmohan Singh’s government gave China a boost in October 2011. The Government decided to allow corporate raise external borrowing in Yuan equivalent to $1billion .First time India recognized Chinese currency as acceptable currency without even demanding that China should give equal acceptance and recognition to Indian rupee in bi-lateral trade. Great Economists like Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukerjee are for facilitating all demands of Indian capitalist class. Ok, let me tell you which Indian company would benefit by this decision. Anil Dirubai Ambani Group of 2G connections, Reliance Power and Lanco Infratech would stand to benefit.

International commerce and forex market is dominated by Dollar, Euro, and Pound Sterling and what made India elevate Chinese Yuan to that level, without thinking about our own currency?
Dollar and Euro almost represent world currencies. World finance reserves up to 65% are in dollar and Euro holds 25%, such being the case why India wants to carry Chinese Yuan on its shoulders to elevate its status for benefitting few Indian companies?

Time for common global currency had arrived. If globe is one village it should have one common currency. You are accepting kilo and tons for weight and liter for liquids, why not a common currency? Who prevents it?

TERRA which is equivalent to 30% of gold, 2 kilo of grains, 200 gram of meat, 1 litre of wine,3 kg of steel,200g of cotton and wool, 200g of copper, 10kwh of electricity and half hour of labour is the common currency of future. Accepting such common currency would eliminate transaction costs related to trading of currencies. It would do away with the need to maintain forex reserves. It will do away with currency risk benefitting foreign investors.  More than that it will definitely eliminate the chance of currency failure which would make foreign investment decisions much easier in emerging economies.

Economists opine that such a country would in one go eliminate the problem of current account deficit as there would be no need for foreign exchange. Loss of national monetary policy would imply single interest rate, say scholars.

Instead of working towards global common currency Manmohan Singh sings praises for Chinese Yuan, it is unpatriotic and unnecessary in current times when world should move towards Terra, single common currency.

Tamil mathematics would calculate one out of  eight lakh fraction as least denomination per Kanakathigaram, Tamil classic of Sangam age about which my book Tamil Civilization carries an article. We are calculated in our steps, as Anna told, we know our height. But your government is faltering in its steps.

Hence Tamils have right to advice Manmohan Singnomics is not good. A politician should know something about everything and everything about something, our leader Aringnar Anna had defined a politician. Give up your China-mania; go for Indian equal supremacy in global politics.

N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai   26.11.2011