Friday, November 18, 2011


The New Indian Express dated 17th November 2011 in its front page carried a report from Madurai the title of which was BAN FISHING IN PALK STRAITS : COAST GUARD. Let me quote : Warning of a potential 26/11 type attack by terrorists who could sneak in using seized Indian fishing vessels along the Palk Bay , Indian Coast Guard on Wednesday recommended declaring India-Srilanka International Maritime boundary line a No Fishing Zone.
Making a drastic submission in an additional counter affidavit filed before the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court, Inspector General V.S.R.Murthy , Deputy Director General Operations and Coastal Security , Coast Guard said :  The Tamilnadu fishermen crossing International Maritime boundary line may be potential target for forces inimical to the country. Such forces may utilize these Indian fishing vessels for terrorist attack similar to Mumbai 26/11.
On October 14, the court hearing a public interest litigation filed by Advocate Stalin seeking protection for Indian fishermen , passed an interim order directing the Coast Guard to deploy sufficient coast vessels under the supervision of senior Indian navy officials. Seeking to vacate the interim order, the Coast Guard officer submitted that no armed force vessels can cross into the territorial waters of another country for protection of their fishermen since it will be construed as intrusion into the sovereignty of that country. It would violate Indo-Lankan Treaties signed in 1974 and 1976.{ Report by M.Vandhana]
I don’t think this affidavit would have the clearance of Defense Minister A.K.Antony. But if it is and if Coast Guard expresses incapacity to save Indian lives, then we will have to write to all Parties in Parliament to demand the resignation of Defense Minister who cannot protect defense-less Indian fishermen.
Indian navy should only move within our territorial waters and should not step into international waters to save our Indian lives; the logical extension of Coast Guard’s policy would only lead to keep our navy confined in our harbours.
China is bolstering its nuclear arsenal at Delingha in the Central Qinghai province of China located not more than 2000 kilometers from Delhi, giving Indian officials sleepless nights, reported Times of India. If these officials have the wisdom of Coast Guard, they could have slept well. Coast Guard is only to guard the coast, and they will sit in beach front and guard the coast, why should they step into seas. Unless their nomenclature is amended in Parliament to rename then as Guards of Coasts, Coastal Peoples, Seas and Wealth of Seas, they won’t bother about Indian fishermen getting killed, attacked, robbed by NAVY of NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY.
There is no terrorist now and the neighboring country had killed lakhs and wiped out terrorism, but then trying to hide this fact Coast Guard expects GHOSTS to come out of graves and seize fishing vessels to launch attack on Indian coast.
The interim order of the Court is justifiable, reasonable and patriotic.
Any Indian Court can only direct Indian Coast Guard to protect Indian civilians. It cannot seek the USA Coast Guard to protect Indian Tamil fishermen. At the height of arrogance and shamelessness Coast Guard suggests BAN FISHING in PALK BAY. Is it a Tamilnadu Government ordinance or Tamilnadu assembly order or has the Government of India passed any ordinance over night or does Indian Cabinet passed orders to the Coast Guard to seek ban on fishing in Palk Straits. Who gave them the authority, who is behind this script, is it written by Home Minister P.Chidambaram, Defense Minister AK.Antony must clarify in Parliament.
A Federation of American Scientists report by Hans Kristiansen and Robert Norris  had estimated that China has 240 nuclear warheads. Beijing had added four new ballistic missiles including one that could be launched from submarines , using upgraded 7200 kilometer range DF-31 to target India and Russia.
Since Delhi faces threat will Indian Air Force say following the footsteps of Coast Guard that NO GOVERNMENT ZONE should come in Delhi. All Government of India offices from Rastrapathi to Prime Minister and Parliament should be evacuated from Delhi. If that is going to happen Defense Minister will realize it is the guidelines Coast Guard had laid which is followed by Air Force.
The Union Minister of State under PMO Mr.V.Narayanasamy had recently told in a press conference in Southern districts of Tamilnadu that Indian navy will safeguard the lives of Indian Tamil fishermen. Then who in UPA cabinet bypassing PMO had directed the Coast Guard to file such a foolish affidavit before Madurai Bench of Madras High Court ? Which Ministry is author for such a statement. We cannot protect Indian lives, let them give up fishing, which knowledgeable Ministry chose to advance this un-patriotic argument. Whether Home Minister P.Chidambaram is aware of this or is he a party to such atrocious affidavit.
Fishermen must sue Coast Guard for its failure to protect their lives. The boundary between India-Srilanka must be re-drawn and the issue should go before International Tribunal of the Law of Seas.
In a long drawn process through four conventions covering high seas, territorial seas, continental shelf and living marine resources which began in 1958, United Nations Organization had strived to evolve consensus which ended in U.N.O mooting out International Law of Seas 1982. It was ratified by India in 1995.
As per article76 of the International Law of Seas 1982 " The coastal state shall establish the outer edge of the continental margin wherever the same extends beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured. On the submarine ridges, the continental shelf's outer limit shall not exceed 350 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the sea is measured."

IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PROVISION INDIA SHOULD HAVE GAINED 7 to 9 LAKH SQUARE KILOMETERS.. But in negotiating to extend this exclusive economic zone India got another chance to regain Kachcha Theevu. NDA faltered and missed the chance.
Now UPA must act before people’s ire against it turns into a tornado in Tamilnadu.
1. Reopen the deplorable agreement signed bypassing the Indian Parliament and without consulting the Tamil Nadu Government. An agreement that intensified the plight of Indian fishermen who fall a prey to the bullets of Srilankan navy in view of the ambiguity prevalent in its definition of our territorial water must be scrapped.
2. The so called rights of Indian fishermen were never honoured and the Government of India must place a white paper in Indian Parliament on the merciless shootings and killings of fishermen by Srilankan side violating this agreement.
3. The new boundaries as per International Law of Seas 1982 must be redrawn and India should take care to get back Kachchativu.
4. Without wasting time Indian Government must take this issue to the International Tribunal of the Law of Seas under United Nations for re-demarcating our territorial waters.
N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Kenichi Ohmae wrote a book The End of The Nation State. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayavathi is desperate to come back to power weathering the storm of people’s anger and had suddenly mooted the idea of disintegrating the biggest state in India.
We who view global politics will recall past history. Colonialism led to the formation of nation states. USA became an independent country in 1776. Former colonies of Spain and Portugal got liberation and in between 1810 to 1844, seventeen new states emerged in Latin America. Italy became a nation state in 1861. Canada in 1867. These were days when nations came into existence liberating from monarchies and moving towards democracy. Chin dynasty in China, monarchy in Japan, Ottoman Empire in Turkey and Mogul Empire in India were breathing amidst democracies.
The book Rise and Expansion of British Power in India by Theodore Morrison states that British came to India seeking wealth and commercial chances and in the beginning they never had the intention to capture this country and rule it. Similarly the multi nationals have started to arrive in India seeking wealth and markets. History will repeat and they too will capture Indian states. With many companies competing to grab markets, Indian states are heading for disintegration. Each multi-national or cartel want exclusive hunting ground for profits. In these connection Chinese companies wooing BJP Chief Minister Narendra Modi and China inviting Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for Buddhist conference has definitely a hidden agenda. The visit of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Tamilnadu recently and the awaited invitation to Tamilnadu’s dictator in democratic garb Ms.J.Jayalalitha is to get foothold for more American companies to capture the market in Tamilnadu.
In 1577 Sir Francis Drake and in 1586 Thomas Coventick travelled successfully around the globe and secured space for Portuguese and Spanish in Indian market. Even before these two Vas coda Gama had reached India via Point of Good Hope in 1497 Portuguese were the first in grabbing South East Asian market. It is only in 1596 British Queen invested money in overseas ventures as a result of which Sir Robert Dudley’s vessels set to sail towards India. British traders took hue and in 1599 appealed to Privy Council seeking government’s sanction to float a company. Around 1600, British Queen consented for the formation of The Company of London merchants for Business in East India. After sanction shares were collected from the people. 217 persons contributed 68,373 pounds. Under the leadership of Sir Lancaster five ships namely Mare, Scourge, Hector, Ascension, Gift and Susan started their first voyage and missed India but landed in Java where they set up their first trading centre.  The second voyage by Henry Middleton too failed to touch India. Those share holders in London who invested in these two voyages got two hundred percent profit. Determined to anyhow reach India, in 1607 John Hawkins started his journey. He reached India and met Mogul Emperor Shajhahan at Agra. He gave the letter of British Monarch seeking permission to set up trade posts in India. After three years of stay in Agra, he obtained in principle approval of the Mogul rule to start a business company in Surat of current Gujarat State.
The Mogul Emperor might have thought only a company is arriving similarly our Manmohan Singh is dreaming multi-nationals are here for only business and wont unseat him. Portuguese came in 1500 and British, a century later. “The East India Company was founded in 1600 to sell British woolen cloth to India. Their ships arrived in Surat in 1608 with vast quantities of broad cloth but the trade soon faltered and died out. What changed their fortunes was the discovery of cotton which was completely unknown in Europe” wrote Rosemary Crill of V&A Museum of London.  Three scholars Ms.Crill, Ruth Barnes and Steven Cohen in their book Trade, Temple and Court: Indian Textiles from Tapi Collection report that Millions worth of Indian cotton arrived in England so much so that the wool and linen weavers began to protest and law prohibiting the import of Indian textiles was passed in 1700.
See how our weavers were of world class in 1700 which made British weavers protest and British monarchy pass law preventing import of Indian textiles. Our soil that grew cotton which enriched our farmers and made our weavers a matter of envy to British weavers have lost their livelihood with East India Company sneaking into India and unknowingly Mogul Emperor gave them a foothold here.
Similarly when P.V.Narasimha Rao’s and his Finance Minister Manmohan Singh when they signed in GATT, were not aware that India’s democracy will be hijacked and be subverted into corporate democracy. Now in 2011 we realize the after effects of April 15th of 1994. If we look at our democracy we would be able to notice centralization of powers in Union Government converting States into municipalities. This trend continued as long as few multi-nationals found concentration of power in Center beneficial and useful for their interests. They could manipulate the players directly or with the help of lobbyists like Nira Radia.
The beeline made by many nations and its multi-nationals led to diversion of these corporate towards various states of India. I would like to recall my meeting with NDA Government’s Finance Minister in his residence where I went with a 15 political party memorandum welcoming the introduction of Uniform Sales Tax in the UT of Puducherry.  Yaswant Sinha said that Europe started with various currencies but had arrived at a common market, but we in India have a common currency but could not arrive at Indian Common market. This situation helped corporate to lobby with State Chief Ministers or their wives/concubines/sons/daughters/ to create a favorable climate for them to set foot in that state. As an extension of this game-plan, now through UP Chief Minister Mayawathi, these corporate want to break UP and create 4 new states in Indian Union.
If we could go back to pages of history we can find that States Re-Organization Commission had given its verdict against break up of Uttar Pradesh, though one of its Keralite member K.M.Panikker recorded his dissent. Ironically it is the Congress which is now in dilemma over Mayavathi’s game plan, while debating an electoral debacle in UP formed a Committee under K.Karunakaran to study the reasons and it is this committee then suggested creation of 4 semi-autonomous units for UP Congress Committee. Yes a prelude to state break up, AICC contemplated party break up in UP. Though entire working committee of Congress endorsed this till date Congress is dilly dallying over creation of 4 units for 4 regions of UP.
Are we going back to break up of Indian states based on early princely states and loyalties to those past memories? Are we going to break bigger state that could send more members to Parliament so that the clout of UP in Union Government could be weakened?
In 1923 Europe had 23 states with 18,000 kilometers of borders but by 2004 it had broken into 50 states with 40,000 kilometers of borders. So Kenichi Ohmae in his book The End of Nation State argues that advance of markets and economic inter-dependence will see nation states being largely replaced by city states. Are we going towards that goal to turn Indian Union into city states numerically more than princely states?
The forthcoming winter session of Parliament should be used by political parties to deeply debate the trend involved in break up of UP to begin with..
Dravida Peravai endorses the stand taken by Akilesh Yadav M.P, leader of UP Samajwadi Party against break up of Uttar Pradesh.
N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai, Puducherry 605001.

Monday, November 14, 2011


The Prime Minister of Corporate India Mr.Manmohan Singh is going to bail out Kingfisher Airlines forgetting to bail out farmers who are committing suicides, As per National Crime Records bureau in 1995 the farmers who committed suicide were 10720 and till date 2, 56,913 farmers have committed suicides. The break up year-wise is : 1996 [13729] , 1997 [13622],1998 [16015] ,1999 [16082] ,2000 [16603] , 2001 [16415] , 2002 [17971],2003 [ 17164],2004[18241],2005[17131],2006[17060],2007[16632],2008[16196],2009[17368], 2010[15964] thus total 2,56,913 farmer suicides in India .
 The credit goes to Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar for scoring the first for his home-state which alone accounts for 50,000 suicides. Being busily engaged in looking at cricket scores, Mr.Sharad Pawar would have no time to view or weep for farmer’s suicides.
Failure to bail out farmers from debt burden which drove them to suicide did not prick the conscience of Mr.Manmohan Singh and Mr.Sharad Pawar. They are going to bail out Kingfisher Airlines. Dinamani, Tamil daily wrote in its Editorial on 15th November 2011, that Kingfisher Airlines started in 2003 and became operational from 2006 had not made or shown profit even for single year since its inception. Air India has 135 planes, Jet Airways owns 97 planes and third in list Kingfisher has 66 planes. Dinamani says Jet Airways, second in numerical strength had never had losses. It had to pay to Government for the year 2008-09 Rs 379 crores and it had paid Rs.368 crores. For 2009-10, the Jet Airways had to pay Rs. 354 crores but it had paid Rs. 346 crores. Current year of 2010-11 its due is Rs 344 crores so far but it had paid Rs.333 crores. When such being the case why Kingfisher incurred Rs.8200 crore debts and Union Minister Vayalar Ravi is working overtime to bail out this private airline ?
Let us see how Governments handle Air India, a government enterprise. Air India’s proposal to buy 3 A-310 aircraft was rejected by GOI in December 1996. 2004 again Air India wants to buy 28 aircrafts i.e. ten A-340 and eighteen Boeing 737. UPA Government comes to power in May 2004. Again Air India knocks the door of the Government to buy 50 aircraft i.e. 22 B-777 and 27 B-787 in November 2004. In April 2005 Air India proposes to buy 35 with firm orders and leaving 15 for other options. All levels of Government of India clear this proposal by December 2005. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approves an Empowered Group of Ministers to carry out price negotiations. Then Finance Minister P.Chidambaram was made Chairman of this EGOM on 20th December 2005. Within four days on December 2005, this EGOM met Boeing group and decides Air India should place orders for 68 planes. December 30 of 2005, the Prime Minister’s office sends EGOM chief P.Chidambaram’s note to Prime Minister.
Same day with jet speed Prime Ministers Office tells the Civil Aviation Ministry that “ PM had seen the note and directed the Civil Aviation Ministry may inform Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs about the finalized transaction. December 30 of 2005, the Civil Aviation Ministry informs Air India about approval. On the same day i.e. 30th December 2005 Air India signs purchase agreement with Boeing worth Rs 33, 197 crores.
This is the Speedy Delivery of Justice to the corporate world. In single day how Union Cabinet functioned this is classic example. The same speed is absent in resolving Telengana or ending Manipur blockade, people of India must take note of this lethargy.
Bailing out Kingfisher sets bad precedents, Prime Minister, people will not hail you.
N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai

Sunday, November 13, 2011


The advocates of single global market preached as if progress will reach countries across continents but nearly two decades had passed but we witness wealth reaching multi-national corporations and people have become beggars in their own countries. The Washington Post article on 7th November 2011 points out that top ten companies, 6 from USA, 2 from UK, one each from France and Swiss control 19.45 % of the global financial network. If 50 companies are counted together, then 40 % of the global financial network is under their control. This situation on one side and joblessness on other side had awakened people across the continents where the chorus for Occupy Wall Street is echoing. People’s assets have been stolen by politicians-bureaucrats-corporate nexus. The whistleblower Henry Morgenthau Junior, Secretary of Treasury wrote to then President of USA Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1937 thus: “Corporation laws make it more difficult to ascertain who the actual stock brokers are. Moreover the stockholders have resorted to all manner of devices to prevent the acquisition of information regarding their companies. The companies are organized through foreign lawyers with dummy incorporators and dummy directors, so that the names of real parties in interest do not appear “
After East India companies by French, British and Dutch, we witness neo-colonialism through multi nationals which have eroded the sovereignty of nations. World Bank which prescribed globalization itself feels alarmed over what is happening. United Nations Convention against Corruption 2003 had been ratified by only 100 countries as on October 2011. The 2003 recommendations for Financial Action Task Force had been endorsed by 170 countries. World waits for action, and World Bank had launched a Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative. The recent report compiled by Dr.Ngozhi-Okonjo-Iweala, Coordinating Minister of Economy & Finance, Nigeria who was also Former Managing Director of World Bank had compiled a data base of 150 corruption cases. The Indians can be happy that only Former Minister Shukram finds a place in this database, others have yet to come to limelight.
1998: United Nations Office on Drug and Crime brought out a report on Financial Havens, Banking Secrecy and Money Laundering
2000: European Union Commission brought a report on protecting the financial system from exploitation of Financial centers and offshore facilities by organized crime.
2001: OECD Report: Behind the Corporate veil: Using corporate entities for illicit purposes.
2002: International Trade and Investment Organization & Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners brought out a report: Towards a level playing field: Regulating Corporate Vehicles in cross-border transactions.
2006: Financial Action Task Force: Misuse of Corporate vehicles.
2010: Caribbean Financial Action Task Force: Money laundering using Trust and company service providers on Money Laundering
2011: World Bank and UN Office on Drug and Crime: Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative.
World opened the Pandora’s Box when World Bank prescribed globalization. It is noble goal but in practice when controls of nations over corporate withered away multi-national corporations mushroomed to grab the wealth in earth from anywhere without even blinking an eye over the agonies of people who live there for ages. Now to contain the ghost let out World Bank has launched the Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative. Dravida Peravai welcomes this initiative, when Government of India lacks in initiative. But we remind the economists that economics without logic and ethics would only be cursed by the living peoples on Earth.
In between 1994-1995, I was the Associate Editor of the only English weekly New Times Observer brought out from Puducherry in India. In its 26th May 1995 issue I wrote on:
Evolve Single Common Currency to Integrate world economy.
Shrine is burnt. Masjid is demolished. Temples were razed to ground. Religions that came into existence to condition human behavior have only taught human race hate. Talk on love and tolerance but acts of vendetta are in practice. As Marx envisaged withering away of the state may not be possible in near future. But the time of withering away of the religions had come. Age of science cannot hold on to the religions that do not fit into the domain of reason. Gods as human beings do not descend from heavens to live in particular places of worship. On the Earth the decadent western culture has provided enough room for pleasure seeking places and nude dancing damsels in our night clubs cater to animal instincts.
No need to dream of Indira’s kingdom and dancers like Ramba, Oorvasi and Tholothama. Telescopes that are having a glimpse of the many planets like Sun, Moon, Mars and many stars so far have not found a galaxy or planets where life systems exist. Heaven which all our poets described is nowhere to be seen. Legends and myths have been proven to be pack of lies and absurdity.
All this should make us realize that Earth is the heaven of human race but it becomes hell only when man finds sadistic satisfaction in enacting Hiroshima’s. The only God that mankind had to discard first and foremost is the Money God. Karl Marx has proven the invincibility of the fictitious surplus value theory. Speculative economics that builds castles in the air should be given a decent burial.
Productive economics alone needs to be encouraged. The very first step in curtailing speculative economics and its maladies will be to introduce single global currency.  There should be no delay in dismantling various currencies. European Union is moving towards a common currency but it should not stop with that.
Developing nations working out a common currency system to preserve the prosperity achieved through exploitation should be an eye opener to the developing countries.
A Single Global currency acceptable to developed and developing countries will alone integrate the world economy. World Trade Organization will become defunct like UNO. Wither away your currencies, disown your religions and think in terms of evolving new codes to regulate economies and life on earth.
A cosmic culture has to blossom at the dawn of the next century, hence everyone had to give up his or her past prejudices and preferences. Codes based on Manu that foster castes’ and religious bigotry of minorities remain a stumbling block for Indian unity, the protagonists of uniform civil code in India proclaim.
A Universal Civil Code will not be in anyone’s agenda as that will open the gateway for cosmic culture. Party less democracy will not be pondered by politicians. Religions with impersonal god could be thought of only by noble hearts like M.P.John who refuses to create an institution to propagate his concept as he is clearly aware of the deviations and distortions that will sneak in. Such lessons past provides in case of other institutions.
The share markets that developed gambling habit is one of the dangerous diseases that erupted due to the speculative economics we pursue.
Black markets, Flesh markets and recently share markets alone are hailed by Manmohanomics in the free market economy in high pitch. The surplus value that accrues in industrial or agricultural production should not reach the coffers of the capitalists but should lead to equal-distribution within society to each according to his need. Production that does not upset the ecological balance and which is in harmony with the unwritten laws of natural evolution alone should be planned.
In short economists and planners must realize that earth is the heaven of human race and haven of peace and progress.
Hence to integrate global economy single common currency should be accepted for all countries to prosper.
Courtesy: New Times Observer 29.5.1995: Author: N.Nandhivarman
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